Commander Aaron Michaels

Aaron Michaels is from Earth, Mid Altlantc Area of the United States

His family has a history of being in Starfleet since it’s founding with United Earth. Upon the founding of the Federation, they continued the role in the Federation Starfleet. Until Aaron, all members had been crewmen aboard different vessels and installations. Aaron is the first member of his family to attend the Academy and become an officer.

Due to his being an officer, it was felt that he had a ‘chip on his shoulder’ as one of his commanding officers wrote on an evaluation. He was assigned to the USS Valkyrie, from his posting on Starbase 39 Sierra, as the Valkyrie’s Executive Officer. Commodore Zachary Harrington assigned Aaron to Captain Stanfield’s command as he felt Stanfield could help ‘season’ the younger officer and temper his ‘chip on the shoulder’.